President’s report on the Assemblée Générale held on 26th April 2017


The first General Assembly of the ASWW was held in the foyer of Montlaur on the evening of 26th April. The meeting was well attended by approximately 35 persons.

La première assemblée générale de l’ASWW s’est tenue au Grand Foyer de Montlaur, le 26 avril 2017. Trente cinq personnes y ont assisté.


Rapport moral

The President opened the meeting (in English) by welcoming everyone and thanking them for their support over the past year. He explained that our first year had been a mix of both high and low points, but that we gained experience and would continue to build upon our successes. He explained that it was difficult to initiate new activities into a village which already supported several proactive Associations without duplicating events.


He reiterated his commitment to the Association and the commitment of his fellow Committee members and thanked them for their advice and support. He stated that the Committee would welcome any positive feedback from the members which would contribute to the future success of the Association.


He then thanked all present for their contributions and hoped that they would continue to support us in the coming year.


He concluded with a personal message by thanking everyone for not asking about the terrible event which had led to the formation of the Association. The affair had not yet been concluded but when it was he would communicate the outcome and an event would be organized in memory of Sarah.



Each member of the committee would then report upon the activities for which they were responsible.



The Secretary then repeated the rapport moral in French.



Rapport d’activité


The Secretary (Corinne Bourdereau) outlined the events in which the Association had been involved or contributed to in the past year. These included: -


Rock and Roll weekend

Demonstration of Artistic Fencing

A Theatrical production

Contribution towards the children’s playground equipment

2 programs of horse-riding at La Plo

Financial aid to a family in need



Rapport Financier

The Treasurer (Jean Françoise Bachet) presented the accounts for the past year which indicated that the Association will sufficiently secure to meet its commitments for the forthcoming year.


Presentation de la saison 2017/2018


The Secretary outlined a possible programed of events which the Association would organize or support in the year ahead these included:


Renouvellement des stages équestres au Plô à la demande générale des participants.


Création de bourses au foyer permettant aux parents d’échanger ou de monnayer faiblement du materiel sportif, musical ou de loisir de leurs enfants, devenu trop petit ou inutile.


Mise en place d’un soutien scolaire à l’école par un enseignant.


Organisation d’un stage de chant de chanson française, clôturé par un concert dont les enfants assureraient la première partie.


Organisation d’un stage d’escrime artistique.


Tout support à un jeune dans un parcours favorisant son talent.


Toute suggestion de membres de l’ASWW




Vote et renouvellement du Bureau




The Communications Advisor (Daniel Lepine) proposed to the members present


1) The Rapport moral be accepted



2) The Treasurers accounts be accepted



 3) That all members of the Committee be elected for a further year.



All the above proposals were accepted unanimously.


He then asked if there were any members present who would be prepared to assist the Committee in the forthcoming year.


The following members offers of help was accepted


Claire Ancelot – Dossiers d’aide, liens.

Una Charleton – Secrétaire adjointe

Alizée Niermans – Déléguée aux sports et jeunesse

Stephane Madiec - Support


He then closed the meeting by inviting all present to share in the buffet provided by the Association.


The President and all the Committee members thank everybody for sharing this event of the ASWW.




The Committee of the ASWW would like to wish all the family and friends of our Members and Donators a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! 

We look forward to your continued support !

The letter of the President of the ASWW

November, 2016


Ladies, Mesdemoiselles ,Messieurs,

Members and Donators,


 My letter of this end of year 2016 is to inform you of the actions carried out by the ASWW, since I last wrote to you in May soon after the Association had been created.


After the rock and roll weekend, the demonstration of artistic fencing and the theatre, it was necessary to investigate and establish what further events we  could arrange or contribute to and the summer holidays slowed us down somewhat. We had also to research and implement measures to ensure Association had the necessary insurances in place and that  Donators could benefit from tax relief for the monies which they heve generously given.


The request for tax relief is in progress, and should be finalised within the next six weeks, in time for the next declaration by May, 2017. Those who wish to have further information can contact us via or on 06 29 78 10 93.

We shall inform you as soon as receipts for tax relief will be available, requests can then be made via


THE ASWW had the pleasure to contribute the sum of 500 euros to the financing of the slide recently installed in the childrens playground opposite  the Mairie of Montlaur.


The Mairies of the Val de Dagne are warmly invited to contact us, as the provision of an item of municipal equipment or an action dedicated to the children are within the scope of the Association. You may recall that the ASWW, created in memory of Sarah Wafflard-Walker, has an aim to help every child reach and discover activities, or practise an activity, favour and help develop any talent that the parents due to the lack of finance cannot. In this frame and via the partnership which we maintain with the schools and ALAE, we helped a family so that the children were able to have holiday together in the summer.


We organized meetings with our partners to establish and build opportunities to be offered to the children of the Val de Dagne. These meetings have been succeeded by the implementation of events for the children


We proposed a stage of discovery of the horses in partnership with Le Plo in Montlaur, for the children around ten years old. Days were able to be organized within the framework of the TAP (ALAE) during the period September-October, 2016.

Their schedules were reorganized so that the children had enough time to go and to take advantage of the activity. The children went to the equestrian farm during three Fridays afternoons . at the first session, the children were able to discover, to receive their instructions and to prepare the horses before riding the in saddle for a short stroll. For the second session, horses were prepared in advance to allow the children to ride longer. Finally the day of the last session, the activity took place in the premises of the school because of bad weather . Alizée Niermans organized a time of pedagogy and interaction with the children, always necessary and inseparable of from the horsemanship.

The feedback from these sessions was very positive and enthusiastic. THE ASWW intends to organize a new course for these children during the period May-June, 2017.

We thank warmly Le Plô for its very motivated and voluntary participation, as well as for its efforts and its availability. The set of the speakers and the volunteers are also thanked, in particular the ALAE.


The article published on our Web site as well as on the Facebook page of the ASWW can benefit from photos only for the children whose parents confirmed the right for the image. THE ALAE has not been able to confirm to us the authorization of all the parents in spite of our numeouous demands. If your child is not in the album, we would be grateful if you could contact us so that we can remedy it ( or 06 29 78 10 93)


A project is in progress with Le Plô, concerning the 12 - 18 years old of the Val de Dagne. It would be in view of setting up a riding course over April-May-June, 2017, with the aim of a day on horseback during the holidays. The interested young people can contact us without hesitation ( or 06 29 78 10 93) or Alizée Niermans at Le Plô.


We also validated a singing workstage, intended for all the present children in the TAP. This event is contracted to Renaud Jeune, alias Erwens, artist, author, composer and interpreter of French songs, recorded by major artists or by his own compositions. His experience, passion and his kindness convinced us. (You can discover Erwens via his site write "renaud jeune erwens" in the bar url to read articles concerning him) This event will take place every Friday afternoon of January, 2017. On Friday, February 3rd, 2017, a concert will be organized in Montlaur, at the Grand Foyer.  At the beginning of the evening. the children will perform the first part and present to their parents and to many members of the public (we hope), the fruit of their work with Erwens.

Reservation advised , or  06 29 78 10 93.


Under discussion at the moment are several projects:

They include links with structures of arts and local disciplines, a project of participation in a sports event organized by the pool of schools within the Val de Dagne.


You will be able out find more about these events and their progress on the website of the ASWW as well as on our ASWW Facebook page.

 information will  also be relayed to local news outlets (Municipal Bulletins, Newspaper of the Val de Dagne etc. ..)


You can contact us if you wish to join, donate to the ASWW or obtain any information. You can also help us as well via the partnership we have with Le Château d’Argentiès (Cuvée Sarah Rosée, as well as two other cuvées). We sell these wines on their behalf and the Association benefits from any sales we make


We would like thank our partners, members and donators without whom nothing would be possible. We are getting there slowly and will not stop. Our success is all due to each and everone of you. Remember our slogan»We cannot change the past, but together we can change the future »


Sincerely yours.


The President and for the Committee of the ASWW,

Mike Walker.


I shall end this newsletter with a personal communication.


We have just had a sad anniversary, a date which reminded us of when Sarah left us.

On the initiative of her mother, a white walk was organized by Sarah's family at 18:30, on Monday, November 7th, 2016. The meeting started in front of the Mairie of Montlaur and processed to the cemetery. We wanted this walk to be just like Sarah, discreet and simple. You are thanked, all of you who were present or who sent to us kind messages, in your absence, you were  present by your thoughts and words.

At the end of the walk, those who could shared with us a glass of friendship.


Unfortunately articles appeared in the local press, with either incomplete or misleading  information which potentially could have embarrassed the ASWW

We regret that having communicated positive information regarding the Association to the journalists that better attention was not paid to what was written and published


Mrs Claire Ancelot the local journalist in Montlaur communicates much more faithfully what is transmitted to her.


Mike Walker 


Timetable of the events 2016



For a wife, a daughter and a daughter-in-law, a commemorative walk is organized by Sarah's family from the Hall to the cemetery of Montlaur -18:30 pm (you can bring a flashlight or a candle)
Safety: a person wearing a fluorescent vest and holding a flashlight will close the walk, as well as another person will be posted at the entrance of the cemetery.<< Nouvelle image avec texte >>

Our inaugural meeting on 26th of April, 2016.


Letter from our President 


I would like to thank all of you who have contributed to the ASWW, either by becoming members or by donation. We have received so many donations from people that did not know Sarah personally that it would be impossible for me to thank them all individually.


Our inaugural meeting on 26th April was a magnificent success, coupled with the donations we received prior to the 26th puts the ASWW in a strong financial position for the coming year.


We received some great publicity via the press and for this we thank them. L’Independant and the Midi Libre gave us maximum coverage on 28th April and have assured us that they will continue to support us in the future.


The events which we have planned for the future (rock stage on may 28th and 29th, artistic fencing and theater on june 12th) will also be contributing a percentage of the proceeds towards the ASWW. More details can be found on our website  or by visiting our Facebook page, alternatively you can email us at for more information or booking.


We also have plans to meet other organizations and individuals in the near future to discuss projects which we hope will benefit the children in the Val de Dagne.


Finally, on behalf of my fellow committee members I would like to thank you all again for your kindness and generosity, whatever we achieve it would not have been possible without you.


Mike Walker


President ASWW




First event: training course of rock dance on May 28th and 29th at the Grand Foyer of Montlaur, organized by Gérard Massignac. Information and booking by phone numbers on the poster, or at
You can come only on the sunday if you are not available all the weekend. Contact us !




A demonstration of artistic fencing will be presented to you by the fencing master Thomas Belliato and his pupils in first part.
The Compagnie de la porte d'à côté from Caunes Minervois exists for more than twenty years. The president is Mariane Abelan, the actors are Brigitte Viginier, Séverine Bouland, Bernard Gros, Bernard Gils, Bernard Boyer and Arlette Rudnik, who proposed to play. The stager is François Viguié (professional) from Capendu.
In this three act play, Don Juan is 66 years old.
He is back in Seville where he has enemies and is afraid of the anger of the Count of Ulloa, commander of the order of Calatrava, because he seduced his sixteen-year-old daughter one year ago.Together with Alcacer, one of his numerous illegitimate sons, he haunts a place. He could run away, but he waits and hopes a rendez vous.
Don Juan always loves the women, love and seduction which keep him alive. Henry de Montherlant lights a legend character without all the usual romanticism, and describes him as a simple, sometimes even superficial and excited being. This magnificent play has a grave and tragic tone but is peppered with comic touches.

Price of the complete show is 10 € per adult and free for children. All the recipe will be given to the ASWW, for what we warmly thank the Fencing Club and La compagnie de la porte d'à côté.

Booking and information : by mail or 06 29 78 10 93. We are waiting for you !


Association Sarah Wafflard-Walker
8 rue des Couteaux
11220 Montlaur


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